Now reboot your Mac to test if this config worked! On boot, Mac will look at all launch daemons in /Users/mattias/Library/LaunchAgents/ and execute them. To test that the config works, try to launch it manually first: $ launchctl load /Users/mattias/Library/LaunchAgents/istĪs a result, the VM should be now booted in headless mode. To find your VM name, run this command in the terminal: $ VBoxManage list vms Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Start the virtual machine and install Linux Mint. Create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox. It should be changed in the filename & twice in the XML. This tutorial will show you how to set up Linux Mint on a VirtualBox virtual machine. In other words: copy/paste your VM’s name in there. That name is also present in the array of ProgramArguments and in the string-value of the Label key, as the name of the VM to start. Label -1804-pihole ProgramArguments /Applications/ startvm ubuntu-1804-pihole -type headless RunAtLoad Ī few things are important here: the filename contains the string “ ubuntu-1804-pihole”. Enter the following at the EFI prompt to boot macOS from the virtual hard drive and finish installation: FS1:"macOS Install Data\Locked Files\Boot Files\boot.efi" Alternatively, you can enter exit at the prompt to go to the EFI BIOS boot screen, and use the Boot from file option to navigate to boot.efi.$ cat /Users/mattias/Library/LaunchAgents/ist
In the VirtualBox GUI, open the virtual machine from the repo, create a new virtual hard disk, and set the HighSierra.iso image created in step 3 as a disk in the VM's optical drive.Run, which will create a file named "HighSierra.iso" on your desktop, based on the downloaded macOS installer app.
It should be located in your Applications directory.
Enter the following command: VBoxManage setextradata macOS VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1920×1080 The last part of the command, 1920×1080 is the resolution. Navigate to where VirtualBox is installed.
Open the Command Prompt as Administrator.